Drunken Ref...  


One of Belarus' top refs,Sergej Shmlik, might get a life's suspension from the game after having to be escorted off the field for being drunk right before the second half of the match between Naftan and Vitebsk. After the FA had reported taking action, he said he was having back pains... Riiiiight...

LOL!!! Homeboy was clearly drunk... What an idiot! And somehow, I can't help but think I'd rather have him officiating matches drunk than the refs I see in the men's league here in SLC...
Anyway, kids.. stay away from alcohol.. I've never seen it help anyone... Well, besides ugly people. And if you happen to be ugly, I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to offend anybody. But stay off the road though.

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Kung Fu Stylez  

Aight.. I love Kung Fu movies and this one, Kung Fu Genius, is a classic!!! Not because of the story line but the styles... They can be hella cool or straight up hilarious like this scene.

Gotta love the sound effects... And his face kills me every time. If you haven't seen this, go pick it up. Kung Fu movies aren't the usual choice for the ladies, but there's just something about eatin' Chinese food and watching good ol' Kung Fu movies when there's time man...
So recommended:
Movie: Kung Fu Genius
Chinese spot: Dragon Diner on 1331 E 3900 S, Salt Lake City (Sorry if you don't live locally, but everyone can find Chinese anywhere these days, so I'm sure you'll be good.)

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